
This gallery contains inspirational images created by autoPACK, Random experiments, and images that otherwise have no specific category on the website.

HIV recipe 1.1 provides a "newer" model of HIV with clustered distribution of the spike proteins as described by Chognacki J, et al, Science Oct. 2012.

autoPACK running in PMV- gorgeous realtime interaction with SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion). Pardon the red/blue gradient used for testing in the video.

Tom Goddard also built a slick autoPACK reader for the Chimera molecular viewer software. Here Johnson adjusted the defaults to produce a clear representation of HIV 1.0

Coarse voxelization of the Stanford Bunny using autoFill by Ludovic Autin:

Stanford Bunny autoFilled voxels

Animated sequence showing the order of one particular HIV recipe packing approach where the surface ingredients are forced to pack in order before any interior ingredients get packed. Playback rendering run as a python script that turns on ingredients in the order they were packed- written by Ludovic Autin:

cellPack HIV running on alpha tester Kevin Brennan's machine in 3D Studio Max 2013 with Sci-Viz from Autodesk:

cellPack HIV running on Autodesk alpha tester Kelly Michels's machine in 3D Studio Max 2013 with Sci-Viz from Autodesk:

Early Synaptic Vesicle Recipe from Takamori et al applied to a tomogram of a synaptic cleft from Chris Arthur:

autoFill 3D print from Zcorp printer of synaptic vesicles with Takamori recipe

Early 2011 Synaptic Vesicle Recipe showing a 100nm cubic section removed from C. Arthur's synaptic cleft tomogram. Molecular details modeled with autoCell and then printed on a Zcorp 3D printer. Extracted by Jon Huntoon and Photographed by Adam Gardiner of Art Olson's Molecular Graphics Lab at The Scripps Research Institute.

Blood Fill ScreenGrab:

Blood fill surrounding Polio virus

Early 2011 Blood Plasma Recipe with a green Polio virus surrounded by visually desaturated blood plasma proteins.

2D sphere fill tests:

Sphere Fill with gradients

Demonstration of unwanted gradients produced by picking random objects to deposit as you walk through the grid in order.

2D sphere fill tests:

Depositing larger objects with a higher priority also results in unwanted gradients if the algorithm walks through the grid in order.

One Micron of Blood Plasma:

Rendering this fill with a very thick depth-cuing fog shows just how sparse the proteins are in blood plasma ~6% of the volume.

2D cylinder and sphere fill tests:

Pretty render of the a 2D cylinder fill test (stopped early) from an odd angle.

HIV nuclear proteins:

Early 2011 test to fill the interior of the HIV nucleocapsid with an RNA-sized fiber. The capsid comes from Mark Yeager's lab.

HIV nuclear proteins:

Early 2011 test to fill the interior of the HIV nucleocapsid with an RNA-sized fiber. The capsid comes from Mark Yeager's lab.

SplineFill ScreenGrab:

Fibrous extension with AutoSpline running in COFFEE. We have versions integrated directly with autoPACK that can deposit objects and splines simultaneously.

Bringing Blender back to life for the latest autoPACK:

Looks like we're just a few days, or maybe a few hours from getting the GUI up to speed with the 3ds Max, Maya, C4D version

Blender after another 2 hours of work by Ludovic on Dec. 21, 2012:

Blender with facile molecule customization (Tall spike proteins from surface replaced by simple cuboids) on Dec. 27, 2012:

Old (very brief) "methods" figure for broad audience posters to describe the gestalt functionality of AutoCell (specialization of AutoFill). Since then, AutoFill has become autoPACK and AutoCell has become cellPACK: